Title: Investigation to end institutional violence in MDPH (Maisons départementales pour personnes handicapées)
Country: FRANCE
Form(s) of actions:
Type(s) of actions
Gathering information to effect change
This is an investigation about institutional violences experienced by social service users with disabilities by MDPH, a departmental (département)-level institution providing or restraining access to disability rights and allowances.
Investigation about institutional violences experienced by social service users with disabilities by MDPH, a regional-level institution providing or restraining access to disability rights and allowances.
Main stakeholders:
Les Dévalideuses
Issues addressed:
The investigation draws attention to the obstacles and injustices faced by persons with disabilities when accessing their rights through the MDPH (departmental institutions handling disability claims) and seeks to gather data about the experiences to build an advocacy campaign.
Contributions to the investigation through an online form.
As of September 2024, this investigation was still underway and it was still possible for persons to contribute to it online.
Data source: Internet
No responses yet