Title: Workers with disabilities in supported employment must count as workers, not social service users

Country: FRANCE

Form(s) of actions:


Type(s) of actions 

Lobbying for a change in law


This is a petition calling to modify the legislation regarding workers with disabilities in ESATs. It was launched in 2022 and it seeks to improve the working conditions and status of ESAT workers.


Petition to modify the legislation regarding workers with disabilities in ESATs, launched in 2022.

Main stakeholders:

ACO (Action Catholique Ouvrières) Vosges, workers with disabilities. 

Issues addressed:

The petition on ESAT workers was launched in 2022, following the identification of this issue at a roundtable at the regional (departmental) level in the Vosges, held in 2020. The roundtable was composed of elected officials, associations and activists. The petition calls for the recognition of workers with disabilities employed in ESAT establishments as workers and not merely social service users. The objective of the petition is to obtain a change in the legislation that would recognise ESAT workers as workers in the labour laws. More specifically, the petition points to the efforts and hard work deployed by disabled workers in ESAT establishments, the unfair and inadequate pay, the right to autonomy, the courage, joy and motivation shown by disabled workers, the need to recognise their work and contribution to society, as well as the added value that they bring.


Large number of signatories, meetings with decision-makers, creation of new networks, visibility of the issue. 


The petition remains open for signatures.

Link(s):  https://www.mesopinions.com/petition/social/travailleurs-handicapes-esat-soient-consideres-travailleurs/170060

Data source: Internet



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