Title: SUMH: Young people with physical, mental or chronic disabilities

Country: DENMARK

Form(s) of actions:

They work to secure equality for people with disabilities on all levels. Some of the areas mentioned of their website are sexuality, work life, education, digitalization, accessibility.

Type(s) of actions: 

Service monitoring, lobbying, change of law, political projects, method development and tool creation.


SUMH makes the resources of young people with disabilities visible and strengthens them through political advocacy and projects. They develop methods and tools in all aspects of youth life, such as education, leisure, work life, friendships, sexuality, and accessibility.


All young people should be able to live the life they want to, regardless of disability, diagnosis and chronic diseases.

Main stakeholders:

Young people with physical, mental or chronic disabilities.

Issues addressed:

Inequality for people with disabilities.


Change within education, change in how social services work with people with disability.


To obtain equality for young people with disabilities.

Link(s): https://sumh.dk/om-sumh/

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