Title: Citisens’ Petition to the Speaker of Parliament Elżbieta Witek
Country: POLAND
Form(s) of actions:
Type(s) of actions:
The petition was addressed to the Marshal of the Sejm and was created at a time when the draft of new legal solutions had already been submitted to the parliament but had not been given a go. With the end of the term approaching, pressure was needed on the ruling party and decision-makers.
Petition to the Speaker of the Polish Parliament to proceed with the proposal before the end of the current term of Parliament.
Main stakeholders
Association ETOH, FDDS – Dajemy Dzieciom Siłę Foundation and others.
Issues addressed
Problems mentioned in the petition covered by the new law:
– National strategies to reduce sexual crime and child abuse
– Child protection standards in all facilities that work with children
– Child safety assessment questionnaire
– Child representative and child hearing
– Mandatory training for family judges
– Analysis of serious and fatal cases of child abuse
Petition collected over 22 thousand signatures (the aim was to collect 50 thousand). The speaker finally decided to proceed with the proposal to the first reading to take place exactly at the Day of Children, June 1 2023.
The petition achieved its short-term result. Long-term plan involved monitoring of the implementation of the new law.
Data source: Petition text / media articles / interviews