Title: Youthworlds

Country: AUSTRIA

Form(s) of actions:

Social media: podcast

Type(s) of actions 

Self-expression by co-creation and moderation of podcast (asking for interviewees, formulating questions and topics). 


“Jugendwelten” is a podcast for and from young people, coordinated by a street work service. Participants and professional leaders report that the Podcast positively affected community building and individual empowerment.


Empowerment and community

Main stakeholders:

Co-creation of Youth Podcast from staff and participants in a Youth Centre.

Issues addressed:

General societal topics


Empowerment and community building among the participants. 


Long-term and short-term

Link(s):  https://www.hilfswerk.at/steiermark/psychosoziale-dienste/kinderjugend/streetwork/podcast-jugendwelten/

Data source: Interview



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