Title: “Us, the insane”


Form(s) of actions:

“Immersive drawing rooms” within hospitals and partner institutions: a space of absolute creative freedom, where drawing materials can be experimented with in their multiple aspects without constraints or pre-determined objectives. The intervention/action takes place with artist-mediators and using Viarco material, in order to create a routine and a relationship of trust with the participants and clinical staff, with monitoring and supervision by a team from Manicómio and Viarco.” Exhibitions. 

Type(s) of actions 

Own services/proposals for solutions.


“Us, the insane” is a citizens’ initiative by P28 – Creative and Artistic Development Association/Manicómio with private and public funding aimed to identify and enhance artistic talent and to validate creative drawing processes as a model for supporting intervention aimed at change. In its second edition is funded by PARTIS & Art for Change Programme.


“The aim is to use innovative drawing tools to facilitate access for people with mental illness to free artistic experimentation and interaction with artists from the national artistic circuit. By considering and providing them with actions in different contexts (hospital, immersion, residency and exhibition), Us the Insane (Nós os Loucos) has a dual focus: to identify and enhance artistic talent that will be presented in an exhibition context, as well as to validate creative drawing processes, as a model for supporting intervention aimed at change.”

Main stakeholders:

P28 – Creative and Artistic Development Association; Manicómio (the portuguese word for insane asylum, is a creative space and art gallery in Portugal dedicated exclusively to artists who have or have had experience of mental illness); Viarco Company; Psychiatric Centers/Units; Mental health patients; Professionals. 

Issues addressed:

Creative drawing processes as a model to support intervention aimed at change. 


“After the “immersive drawing rooms”, there are a series of retrospective exhibitions with selected works from the hospital and residency contexts, as well as a catalogue. The exhibitions are held in the same region as the institutions that hosted the immersive rooms, so that participants can share this final moment, complemented by an exhibition at the Manicómio (Lisbon) and other important gallery spaces, in order to capture the attention of the general public to these works and their process.” (cited from https://p28.pt/event/nos-os-loucos-2/).


It’s on its second edition, already run in 8 psychiatric Centers/Units in Portugal; it has funding from a Private Foundation (within the scope of PARTIS & Art for Change programme), from a portuguese private company that produces drawing material and the Portuguese Republic – Culture/ Directorate-General for the Arts (within the scope of the Sustained Support Program for the Arts).






Data source: Project and Promotor’s Webpage;



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