Title: The strike in the Polish parliament by mothers of children with disabilities

Country: POLAND

Form(s) of actions:


Type(s) of actions 

Public expressions of objections in the form of the strike in the Parliament, change of law. 


A protest of carers of adult persons with disabilities in he Polish Parliament (24 h stay in hall of the Parliament for several weeks). The protesters opt for changes in the support system, mainly in the form on increase in social benefits.


Protesters in parliament, carers of persons with disabilities demand bigger public support, such as an increase in social pensions.

Main stakeholders:

Parents and carers of persons with disabilities (especially adult children). 

Issues addressed:

Situation of the parents of children with disabilities, not only on the material side, but also in terms of giving up their dreams, lack of rest, their own health problems. The basic demand is connected with lack of financial and systemic support and refers toIncreasing social pensions for the carers of adult persons with disabilities.


The protests are renewed at intervals. Prior to the last election in 2023, they resulted in the introduction of additional carer’s compensation benefits.


The energy of the protesting group has been harnessed by politicians. The main leader of the protesting caretakers joined the opposition party (at the time) and led the elections. He is now a member of Parliament.





Data source: main portals: onet.pl; wp.pl, tvn24.pl; rmf24.pl



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