Title: The “#Really?” campaign

Country: ROMANIA

Form(s) of actions:

Campaigns – radio, social media, physical spaces.

Type(s) of actions 

Public campaign organized in numerous public spaces – parking spaces from different shops and malls. 


The foundation implemented a larg scale campaign for drivers to respect the parking places for people with disabilities. Their moto was: ”People with disabilities do not want special parking places, they need them.”


The “#PeBune?” campaign encourages drivers to respect the rights of people with disabilities. 

Main stakeholders:

Drivers, people with disabilities.

Issues addressed:

Draw attention to respect the rights of people with disabilities for specific parking places.


Raising general public awareness of the needs of people with disabilities. 


Long-term plans

Link(s): https://motivation.ro/sustine-campania/ 

Data source: Interviews



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