Title: Stop the violence against children
Country: POLAND
Form(s) of actions:
Type(s) of actions:
The petition “stop violence against children” was a reaction to the tragic death of Kamil from Częstochowa and called for the adoption of systemic solutions in the form of amendments to the Family Code and other legal acts.
Together with other actions and with the support of citizens and organizations, it achieved its goals
Petition to accelerate parliamentary work on the minors protection act after the tragic death of 8-year-old Kamilek from Częstochowa killed by his stepfather on March 2023.
Main stakeholders:
Association ETOH (initiator) and individual citizens as signatories.
Issues addressed:
Problems: High rate of abused children;
- Introducing child protection standards in schools and other institutions;
- Introducing Serious Case Review in cases of death of a child;
- Better representation of the child in criminal and family proceedings;
- Trainings for family judges;
Petition collected over 35 thousand signatures (the aim was to collect 50 thousand). In effect the legislative process for the proposal was continued.
The petition achieved its short-term result. Long-term plan involved monitoring of the implementation of the new law.
Link(s): https://web.archive.org/web/20240228003619/https://dosc-przemocy-wobec-dzieci.pl/
Data source: Petition text / media articles / interviews