Title: RIFT Legal security in family well-being
Country: DENMARK
Form(s) of actions:
Documentation, informing and debating on lack of legal rights for children and their parents. Especially including perspectives which do not get a lot of media attention.
Type(s) of actions:
Service monitoring, proposals for solutions, lobbying of law.
The group aims to monitor, maintain and improve the legal system for parents with children placed outside the home.
RIFT is an organization created in 2013 by a group of parents. The aim is to secure legal rights for children placed outside their homes.
Main stakeholders:
Parents with children placed outside the home.
Issues addressed:
Lack of and breach of legal rights for parents with children placed outside of the home.
Policy development and participation.
To ensure compliance with legislation concerning special support for children, young people, and their families, and to provide real avenues for complaint if this does not occur.
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