Title: Queer Youth group

Country: AUSTRIA

Form(s) of actions:

Peer counselling, lobbying, open letters

Type(s) of actions 

Self-help group for peer support; lobbying for more participation in transitions and in social services.


The Queer Youth Group is a self-help group in exchange for young queer persons, helping each other with peer support/counselling. They report positive effects in these activities while their lobbying actions only had singular impacts.


Self-help/advocacy group for young queer persons. 

Main stakeholders:

10-15 young persons with lived experience

Issues addressed:

Discrimination of queer identity; lack of bodies for queer issues. 


Succesful transitions or de-stigmatization practices; Lobbying: reduced the requirements to change the civil status and name as a trans person. 



Link(s):  https://younited.cc/

Data source: Interview



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