Title: Petition to maintain €1 CROUS meals
Form(s) of actions:
Type(s) of actions
Lobbying for a change of law
Petition against the end of one-euro meals in CROUS university restaurants that had been guaranteed to all students during the Covid-19 pandemic.
This petition aimed to maintain €1 meals for all students in Crous cafeterias. It also called on decision-makers to increase the financial support provided through scholarships and bursaries, to increase the number of beneficiaries and to modify the eligibility criteria.
Main stakeholders:
Students and student union (UNEF).
Issues addressed:
This action raised the issue of student precariousness and the difficulty in making ends meet, leading to food insecurity.
The petition was ultimately not successful in overturning the decision to end meals at €1 for all students, but it raised awareness about the issue of student precariousness, fostered solidarity and led to the creation of new partnerships and networks. The petition gathered over 15,000 signatures with a short time-span.
No specific information found about the long-term results of this action.
Link(s): https://unef.fr/petition-la-fin-du-repas-a-1-e-pour-tout%C2%B7e%C2%B7s/
Data source: Internet