Title: People’s Movement against Loneliness
Country: DENMARK
Form(s) of actions:
They speak up about loneliness and encourage communities, workplaces etc. to do the same.
Type(s) of actions:
Proposals for solutions, public expressions of objections, Networking.
We want to talk about loneliness, so it is no longer taboo, and we want to help people meet, so loneliness is broken. Our vision is that no one in Denmark should be affected by severe loneliness, and we hope that as many as possible will join in making an extra effort.
We want to talk about loneliness so it is no longer taboo, and we want to help people meet so loneliness is broken. Our vision is that no one in Denmark should suffer from severe loneliness, and we hope that as many as possible will join us in making an extra effort.
Main stakeholders:
More than 85 organizations, schools, municipalities and companies are for the first time ever united to create “The People’s Movement Against Loneliness”.
Issues addressed:
Loneliness in Denmark.
They have created both plans for action and and a strategy for how to make loneliness a smaller problem for the citizens.
They have an 88 page plan for action, and a 60 page strategy on their website.
Link(s): https://modensomhed.dk/om-folkebevaegelsen/
Data source: Website, FB, LinkedIn