Title: People with disabilities protest in 3 margest cities in the country 

Country: PORTUGAL 

Form(s) of actions:

Street march; street demonstration. 

Type(s) of actions 

Advocacy, awareness raising, promotion of specific solution, lobbying/change of law; public expressions of objections/disagreement/disobedience). 


The State has been delegating to Private Social Solidarity Institutions (IPSS) the implementation of the policy to support independent living. For some, this creates a problem for the service users with dependency issues.
Some organizations try to guarantee a greater number of personal assistants for as many users as possible, thus reducing the hours of support given to each one. 


Aiming to mark the European Day for Independent Living, people with disabilities take to the streets in three different cities of the country to show pride, but also to denounce the lack of information about the continuity of personal assistance pilot projects and criticize legislation on early retirement.

Main stakeholders:

Leader of the CVI – Center for Independent Living. 

Issues addressed:

Concretely: The need to improve support for the autonomy of people with disabilities (e.g. extending support on weekends, or the need to increase the availability of human resources to guarantee the universality of this service). In general: access to housing, employment, accessibility (difficulty finding public transport accessible to people with disabilities). Issues related to the universal right to vote in elections, the guarantee of equal rights at national and regional level, the requirement to respect job access quotas, the creation of truly inclusive education and training or accessibility and confidentiality in reporting. harassment. 







Link(s): https://sicnoticias.pt/pais/2023-05-06-Pessoas-com-deficiencia-saem-a-rua-com-reivindicacoes-este-sabado-37fa282c

Data source: Media SIC Notícias [Lusa]



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