Title: Not another spanking! 


Form(s) of actions:

Campaign with several actions: Actions to raise awareness about Children’s Rights and the negative impacts of violence on children’s development; Training actions for professionals involved in any of the areas related to childhood; Parental training actions within the scope of conscious parenting practices; Information campaigns carried out by the media on Children’s Rights, with a special focus on the right to be protected against all forms of violence, the right to respect for human dignity and physical integrity and the right to be heard and participate in the decisions that concern them respect; Conducting a study on “parental beliefs about physical punishment” as a basis for strategic planning of the actions to be developed. 

Type(s) of actions 

Information/education; own services/proposals for solutions.


Campaign that aims to fight violence against children, with a particular focus on corporal punishment which, despite being expressly prohibited by the criminal law since 2007, continues to be undervalued and tolerated.
The campaign involved a group of personalities, Universities, similar organizations and professionals linked to the Protection of Children’s Rights and integrated a set of actions with a view to raising awareness among families, society and the State.
A website was also created, which brings together articles and materials that have been written and published on this subject over more than 20 years.


IAC, a national NGO, started this campaign on February 22, 2022, European Day of Victims of Crime. It aims to combat violence against children, with a particular focus on corporal punishment. 

Main stakeholders:

Collective. Launched by an NGO that is a reference in Portugal in defending children and youth rights. 

Issues addressed:

Use of physical punishments and violence against children. 


In the campaign’s promotor webpage, https://iacrianca.pt/nem-mais-uma-palmada/, we can find information on the actions, developed; educational and awareness resources; mass media clips, videos, research reports. The campaign is still ongoing. 


The actions are reported and new ones publicised in the webpage.

Link(s):  https://iacrianca.pt/nem-mais-uma-palmada/


Data source: IAC webpage



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