Title: Don’t Abandon our Children’ campaign
Form(s) of actions:
Social media campaign
Type(s) of action
Lobbying for a change of law
This was a campaign co-led by several organisations that sought to raise awareness and push the government to provide more support to careleavers in order to facilitate their transition to autonomous adulthood.
This campaign was launched by the Repairs! associations, a group of careleavers. The campaign aims to raise awareness and to push the government to provide more support to careleavers in order to facilitate their transition to autonomous adulthood. The campaign was launched in 2023 with the support of Cause Majeur! and Les oubliés de la République. On Twitter, this campaign used the hashtag #nAbandonnonsPasNosEnfants as well as “#jeunesmajeurs” (though the latter is not always directly linked to the specific campaign).
Main stakeholders:
Repairs!75, CauseMajeur!, Les Oubliés de la République.
Issues addressed:
The specific issues addressed include the lack of systematic support for careleavers, the arbitrary nature and disparities of support granted to careleavers according to geographic location, the complexity of conditions to access support after age 18, the overrepresentation of careleavers among the homeless population and the injustice that careleavers have to become autonomous earlier than other youth despite facing greater barriers and having less resources.
Increase in awareness of the issue, creation of new contacts and networks between professionals and decision-makers and the organising association of careleavers, revival of the issue among elected officials.
No specific information found about the long-term results of this action.
Link(s): https://accompagnement-jeunesmajeurs.org/