Title: Museum of Abandonment
Country: ROMANIA
Form(s) of actions:
Digital museum
Type(s) of actions
Education, proposal for solution, public expression of disagreement.
The Museum of Abandonment strives to become a healing and safe space of dialogue for a huge community whose immense collective trauma has never really been publicly acknowledged and discussed – the hundreds of thousands of abandoned and institutionalised children in Communist and post-Communist Romania.
The Museum of Abandonment is a digital and participatory forum-museum aiming to map out a culture of abandonment and offer a historical narrative of the abandonment and institutionalisation of children in Romania.
Main stakeholders:
Adults what were institutionalized during their childhood, especially during communist period and post-revolution.
Issues addressed:
The need to recognize the history of hundreds of children, youth and adults what were institutionalized and suffered in this institutions.
The Museum of Abandonment seeks to document, exhibit, and digitally preserve the material and immaterial remains of the institutionalised abandonment of children in Romania.
Maybe, long-term plans
Link(s): https://muzeulabandonului.ro/?lang=en
Data source: Interview, website