Title: Mental Health is not a limit


Form(s) of actions:

Awareness campaign. 

Type(s) of actions 



“Mental Illness is no Limit” campaign is a citizens’ initiative lauched by GIRA Grupo de Intervenção e Reabilitação Activa (Active Rehabilitation and Intervention Group) aiming to raise awareness of the importance and value of Mental Health, through the release of 12 episodes (videocast) that address issues related to Mental Health.


GIRA launched the “Mental Illness is no Limit” awareness campaign. It aims to raise awareness of the importance and value of Mental Health, through the release of 12 episodes (videocast) that address issues related to Mental Health.

Main stakeholders:

GIRA Grupo de Intervenção e Reabilitação Activa (Active Rehabilitation and Intervention Group) – GIRA is an IPSS (Private Social Solidarity Institution) founded in 1995 by relatives and friends of people with mental illness; Anonymous individuals, possible mental health patients/users; Medical staff; terapists; psychologs; mental health patients/users; Researcher (university); social institutions representatives; family members (mostly mothers). 

Issues addressed:

Facts about mental health in Portugal, mental health stigma; health and mental illness; people in vulnerable situations, vulnerability; autonomy; sociability and human interaction; risks of motherhood for mental health; child and adolescent mental health; mental health in the school environment; professional and academic training, challenges experienced by people with mental illness and disability; challenges faced by people with mental illness in the area of employability and market.


Twelve episodes were developed and made available on-line.



The twelve episodes are available on-line (youtube). 



Data source: RESPONSIVE Task 3.3: Analysis of social media campaigns (SMC)



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