Title: Legal action against student evictions

Country: FRANCE

Form(s) of actions:

Court case

Type(s) of actions: 

Public expression of objection


This was an action organised by student unions and collectives who decided to take the CROUS to court to challenge its expulsion of students from student housing during the Olympic Games in Paris 2024.


This was an action organised by student unions and collectives who decided to take the CROUS to court to challenge its expulsion of students from student housing during the Olympic Games in Paris 2024.

Main stakeholders:

La ResCrous (student collective), Soldaires étudiant.e.s. 

Issues addressed:

This case raised the issue of public services (in this case student housing) being removed from use by the general public/ service users in order to serve a different (lucrative) purpose.


The court case was ultimately not successful but the action raised awareness on the issue and mobilised students and other segments of the population, fostering solidarity towards those affected. It may have also led to a smaller number of students relocated than was initially planned and some guarantees provided to those who were rehoused, but it is difficult to identify whether this was a consequence of the action or not.


No specific information found about the long-term results of this action.







Data source: Internet



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