Title: Laye, our young baker apprentice, must be allowed to stay with us!
Country: FRANCE
Form(s) of actions:
Type(s) of actions:
Expression of disagreement
This petition was launched in December 2020 by French baker Stéphane Ravacley in order to draw attention to and raise support for young migrants who face expulsion after reaching adulthood.
This petition was launched in December 2020 by a French baker (Stéphane Ravacley) in order to draw attention to and raise support for young migrants undergoing training in France. The petition uses Stéphane Ravacley’s personal situation as a starting point: his young apprentice, Laye, who turned 18 while in France and faced expulsion from the country after reaching adult age. The petition was followed by a widely publicised hunger strike. The petition itself gathered more than 240,000 signatures.
Main stakeholders:
Stéphane Ravacley, Laye Fodé Traoréiné
Issues addressed:
Focusing on an individual case, this petition addressed the expulsion of young migrants from France after they reach adulthood, despite their efforts to integrate into French society, e.g. via training, work, etc.
The expulsion order was finally withdrawn and Laye was able to stay in France with a residence permit. The petition and hunger strike contributed to a widening of public awareness on this issue.
The baker, Stéphane Ravacley, became a public figure following this action, and was a candidate in parliamentary elections according to media reports.
Data source: Internet