Title: #(In)Visible campaign

Country: POLAND

Form(s) of actions:

TV/internet campaigns, spots issued in public trains. 

Type(s) of actions 



The (in)visbile campaign facilitates the daily functioning of people with invisible disabilities and to improve awareness of invisible disabilities in society. It produced spots raising awareness on the persons with invisible disabilities, to be aired in Tv, internet with stories of paricular persons struggling with such types of disabilities. The organisers also conducted series of workshops and trainings in many Polish cities.


Short spots devoted to persons with to support people with multiple sclerosis (MS) and with other invisible disabilities and to educate and change awareness about the disease, aimed at awareness raising – aired at The Polish TV, in public trains.

Main stakeholders:

People with not visible disability, NGO working on behalf of those groups.

Issues addressed:

The facts concerning the daily functioning of people with invisible disabilities were provided to improve awareness of invisible disabilities in society.


Not provided.


Increased visibility of persons with disabilities – as the organisation declared.

Link(s):  https://niewidzialni.org.pl/

Data source: Fb, TV, webpage of the campaign, YT



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