Title: FEMA


Form(s) of actions:

Peer work, advocating, campaigning

Type(s) of actions 

Peer-councelling and lobbying


FEMA advocates for single mothers and their children to have more influence in child protection trials against male-dominated narratives. The impact of their work is especially visible in individual counselling and empowerment as well as exchange among single mothers. 


The association is trying to strengthen single mothers’ and their childrens’ voices against male-dominated discourses in child protection proceedings as well as to lobby for them at decision-makers and raise awareness of the general public. 

Main stakeholders:

Mothers with lived experience as leaders and participants; legal advisers.

Issues addressed:

Patriarchic dominating knowledge culture of judges, reviewers, social workers and welfare officers regarding neglecting voices of single mothers and their children in child protection proceedings. 


Empowerment effects in proceedings (knowing their rights and how to argue against male-dominated narratives); Few lobbying effects (handout for judges according to Istanbul Convention). 


Long-term and short-term


Link(s): https://verein-fema.at/der-verein/

Data source: Interview



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