Title: Every Step Counts
Country: France
Form(s) of actions:
Type(s) of actions:
Networking/informing MPs through direct contact with careleavers.
#ChaquePasCompte is a campaign that seeks to bring people in positions of authority or power closer to the realities of those with the experience of social exclusion, including careleavers.
Paroles d’oubliés is a campagn launched by the collective Les Oubliés de la République. It seeks to give back a voice to those who are rarely listened to, including children in child protection services (and/or careleavers). The campaign seeks to raise awareness about social exclusion and to encourage politicians to work towards inclusion and better policies relying on the experiential knowledge of people experiencing social exclusion themselves. The campaign uses, among others, the following hashtag: #ChaquePasCompte. One of the methods used to bring politicians closer to the realities of others is to organise direct meetings between people that are socially excluded (e.g. careleavers) and policymakers/decisionmakers/elected officials. The project involves one careleaver and one policymaker meeting regularly to go for a walk. The policymaker is not allowed to communicate publicly on this. Several specific obligations are put in place to encourage a fruitful exchange between the two.
Main stakeholders:
Les Oubliés de la République along with partners.
Issues addressed:
This action addressed the lack of dialogue and disconnection between elected officials and persons that are excluded and/or far removed from the political sphere. It emphasises the essential experiential knowledge that social service users (e.g. careleavers) possess that should inform decision-makers and contribute to the co-production of social policies
Partnerships between careleavers and politicians, increased awareness among MPs about social issues and particularly child protection and youth at risk.
No specific information found about the long-term results of this action.
Link(s): https://www.oubliesrepublique.fr/rencontrer-les-oubli%C3%A9s