Title: Every child counts

Country: AUSTRIA

Form(s) of actions:

The E-mail-to-target tool as petition; campaign

Type(s) of actions 

Information and lobbying


‘Everychildcounts’ raises awareness about the unprotected status of young unaccompanied refugees and creates innovative petitions and campaign strategies. They have successful results in high media coverage but also some impact in lobbying for higher care rates.


The campaigns raises awareness for young unaccompanied refugees. 

Main stakeholders:

NGO employees

Issues addressed:

Young unaccompanied refugees supported through basic care and not within the child and youth welfare system, which means that they receive much less resources and no custody support.


Increase in daily caring rate for young refugees


Long-term and short-term

Link(s): https://www.amnesty.at/mitmachen/kampagnen/jedes-kind-zaehlt/

Data source: Interview



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