Title: Creation of the National Day for People with Intellectual Disabilities


Form(s) of actions:


Type(s) of actions 

Advocacy, awareness raising, promotion of specific solution. 


Petition addressed by the HUMANITAS aiming to create the National Day of the Person with Mental Disability. Also to demystify some prejudices related to Intellectual Disability and raise society’s awareness of the importance of respect and inclusion of these people, in favor of improving their quality of life and in accordance with the principles of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. At the same time, it is also intended to promote and develop awareness and information actions at national level; sensitize professionals in the areas of health, education, justice, social security, among others, as well as public and private entities to this reality.
The recommendation was approved and the Day was established with consensus.


Petition addressed by the HUMANITAS – Portuguese Federation for Mental Disabilities, a national level federation of associations, aiming to create the National Day of the Person with Mental Disability.
National Day for People with Intellectual Disabilities, May 10, corresponds to the birth, in 1908, of the North American painter Dwight Mackintosh, who lived for 56 years in a psychiatric hospital and became one of the most prominent painters of the 20th century in the USA .
Also, the aim is to demystify some prejudices related to Intellectual Disability and raise society’s awareness of the importance of respect and inclusion of these people, in favor of improving their quality of life and in accordance with the principles of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
It is also intended to promote and develop awareness and information actions at national level; sensitize professionals in the areas of health, education, justice, social security, among others, as well as public and private entities to this reality.

Main stakeholders:

Directly, the HUMANITAS – Portuguese Federation for Mental Disabilities, indirectly the associations of people with disabilities, and also politicians from different political parties.

HUMANITAS – Portuguese Federation for Mental Disabilities. It represents around 7000 people with Intellectual Disabilities, supported by 40 Institutions, covering the entire national territory.

Issues addressed:

With the creation of National Day for People with Intellectual Disabilities on May 10th, the petitioners want to value and represent people with intellectual disabilities, as a whole, their abilities and their way of being. The NAtional Day will be a moment that will highlight the empowerment and self-determination of people with intellectual disabilities, leaving their mark on history.
Establishing this day aims to give greater relevance and visibility to people with Intellectual Disabilities and their families, in order to allow greater mobilization and awareness among civil society.


The recommendation was approved and the Day was established.


The Petition entered the Assembly of the Republic on the 28th September 2022 with 10267 signatories. On the 20th September was sent to the Work, Social Security and Inclusion Committee, with a recommendation that the Labor and Social Security Committee be informed. On the 6th October 2022 the petition was admitted. On the 12th, January, 2023 the petitioners were heard by 6 deputies from the different political parties. The case was archived on 15th February, 2023.

Link(s):  https://www.parlamento.pt/ActividadeParlamentar/Paginas/DetalhePeticao.aspx?BID=13789

Data source: National Parliament site



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