Title: Children and youth on the streets: protecting them is an urgency!
Country: FRANCE
Form(s) of actions:
Open letter. Lobbying.
Type(s) of actions
Lobbying for a change in law.
This was an open letter initiated by the French Human Rights League, that denounced the situation of unaccompanied migrant children in France and demanded the presumption of minority to be explicitly enshrined in law.
Open letter demanding that the presumption of minority to be explicitly enshrined in law.
Main stakeholders:
French Human Rights League and numerous civil society organisations and NGOs.
Issues addressed:
The open letter raises the issue of the growing frequency of unaccompanied minors left without support in France, housed in hotels without socio-educational support, or deprived of basic rights. It demands the withdrawal of the January 30, 2019 decree on the Minority Assessment Support File, which undermines the rights of unaccompanied minors and turns childcare and child protection into a police matter, in defiance of children’s rights.
No specific information about outcomes/results.
The open letter puts forward a number of key points and demands, addressed to decision-makers and candidates to the legislative elections.
Link(s): https://www.ldh-france.org/mineur-es-en-danger-a-la-rue-il-est-urgent-de-les-proteger/
Data source: Internet