Title: As Long As We Are Alive
Country: POLAND
Form(s) of actions:
Social media actions.
Type(s) of actions:
As long as we live campaign (Póki my żyjemy) is a social media campaign based on the stories of life of persons taking long term care on their relatives with disabilities, who devote theirs lifes without state support with no rights to renumeration, holidays, free time, developments, career, etc.
The public awareness campaign by the Our Advocate Initiative and its fellow community organisations to mark National Carers’ Day, which is celebrated on 12 February 2024. It is aimed to draw attention to the situation of people who care for others on a daily basis.
Main stakeholders:
Persons taking care of others (close persons with disabilities) on a daily basis.
Issues addressed:
The situation of people who care for others (persons with disabilities) on a daily basis, to their rights and ordinary human needs: the right to live without fear for the future, the right to support, to feel safe, to have a little time to themselves. These are also human rights.
Not provided.
It reinforces the voice of carers of persons with disabilities – especially parents of adult persons with disabilities.
Link(s): https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/p%C3%B3kimy%C5%BCyjemy
Data source: X, FB, Instagram