Title: A March of the Yellow Ribbon
Country: POLAND
Form(s) of actions:
March in Warsaw and few other cities in Poland – cyclical event.
Type(s) of actions:
Education, proposal for solution, lobbying.
A cyclical awareness campaign in the form of a March in the big cities of Poland, coordinated with the actions carried out by the Congress of Mental Health in Poland. The representatives of the organizers prepare the postulates for the logical change and hand them over to the Ministry of Health in Poland
The march is aimed at raising awareness to the needs of persons with mental health issues.
Main stakeholders:
Patients, their families, doctors, nurses, psychologists, psychotherapists and people from eFKropka Foundation working on behalf of people in mental crisis.
Issues addressed:
The support needs of people in mental crises ensured in the form of postulates of system change (availability and quality of health and social services in different forms (community, ambulatory, hospital) handed over to the representatives of the Ministry of Health.
Awareness raising in cooperation with The Congress of Mental Health. The formulation of concrete postulates.
The march will be repeated for years to come. There is a public debate about the mental health support system in Poland, sparked by the March and the Congress of Mental Health.
Link(s): https://ef.org.pl/dzialania/marsz-zoltej-wstazki/
Data source: Media informations, social media informations